Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Little Bummed

My second and final expansion did not happen today.  I'm a little bummed out about it, but it's not a bad thing.  I arrived at Dr. Spiro's office, went in to a room and waited for him.  All of the supplies were set up for my expansion so I was all ready to go.

Dr. Spiro came in and took a good time examining me.  He decided that I was not healed enough for the second expansion and that I should come back in two weeks.  I guess he could see the disappointment on my face and he said that it's nothing to worry about.  He reminded me that I am already way ahead of schedule and that I am not ready for the last bit.  He even said that when I come back in two weeks I might not need another expansion... I might already be done, but he won't be sure of that until he sees me again.

At least it was not a pointless drive up to West Orange to see him.  I did have a lot of questions for him and he answered them all.  My 3 month healing process began the day of my mastectomy so that means I can get the implants in June.  This makes me VERY happy.  These expanders can't come out soon enough!  He didn't have any secrets to help me sleep better, but he recommended a body pillow which I acquired a week or so ago.  I guess I just need to figure out how to use it so that it will benefit me the most.  I know everyone is different so I don't know if there is any real secret to a good night's sleep with rock hard boobs.  I can't run or exercise yet and the 5 pound rule is STILL in effect (ugh, I can't wait until all of this changes!).  He approved of the sports bra's that my Aunt got me so that's good.  I also just went to JCPenny's and found a regular bra that will work for when I want to be "fancy."

So my next appointment with Dr. Spiro is Friday the 13th!  Oohh!  That is when I will either get my last expansion or find out that I am already done.  It'd be nice to have to have only one expansion.  That would make me super impressed with myself. :)

- J.

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