Monday, February 27, 2012

Time to get this Show on the Road

OK.  So this will probably be my last post before surgery on Wednesday.  One moment I am super ready for this and the next I am beyond nervous.  For now, things are out of my hands and in the hands of extremely professional, well-trained individuals.

During my pre-op testing today (blood work and EKG), the woman who registered me had both my breast surgeon and plastic surgeon for her double mastectomy and reconstruction.  Of course, my first reaction was to check out her goods.  Hey!  It's not like I had to look hard... she was wearing a super low cut v-neck shirt, and her cleavage was practically spilling out.  She looked amazing and everything looked perfectly natural.  Her boobs gave me hope!

After my blood work and EKG I had to answer a ton of questions about my health and previous surgeries.  The nurse was really nice and mentioned that her good friend also had a double mastectomy with reconstruction... by whom you ask?  Well, by MY breast and plastic surgeon too!  Shocking, I know!  She said her friend was beyond happy with how everything turned out.

It's not like I need reinforcement about that, because I am sure I made the right decision... but it's not like I could turn back now anyway.  I am all pre-registered and ready to go!  My scripts are currently being filled and they will be waiting for me when I get back from the hospital.

I will arrive at the hospital at 7am, get my lymph node injection at 9am, and then I will be in surgery at noon for about 4 hours.  That's how Wednesday is going to go.  I am ready to just nod off to dreamland and wake up with some new boobs.  Let's get this show on the road!

- J.

PS Check back on Wednesday for an update on how my surgery went... I'll have a special guest blogger or two for that.

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