Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chest Depth Perception

There is one thing you all should probably know about me - I have an awful sense of depth perception. I am pretty sure I've just coasted by when it comes to parking by closing my eyes and praying. Sure I've scraped a couple of cars/garages but no one has been injured as of yet.

Now that I am basically a cup and a half bigger, my chest depth perception is completely off and I feel ridiculous as I bump into people and inanimate objects with my boobs.

For example -

  • I was in a workshop, sitting in a row, when I had to use the bathroom. I hate making a scene so I held it as long as possible. Once I came to the point of bursting, I stood up (stupid me sat all the way on the inside of the row) and I excused myself. I had made it all the way to the end of the row and when I turned my left boob smacked a poor unassuming man in the back of his head. I apologized and hoped it didn't hurt too much since I didn't feel a thing. 
  • When moving to my new apartment, I kept standing too close to Kevin and he would elbow me in the chest when he picked stuff up. This happened way more than it should have. I still don't think I learned my lesson about standing too close to people (I can be quite the creep when I want to be).
  • I can also take turns a little too close. When leaving a room I sometimes smack the door frame. I've always been a fan of making tight turns around corners, but perhaps no more. I feel like a dog wearing one of those cone surgical collars. It's always so funny when a dog tries to take a corner wearing one of those. I can only hope that I am as amusing when I do it.

I have at least learned to protect my boobies in crowded situations. I don't care how silly I look as I hold my arms up to my chest! I will protect them at all costs.


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