Monday, May 21, 2012

I think I've finally got it!

I know you've all been waiting for the day to come when I post about how the red mark on my left breast has finally healed.  Well, this isn't the post.  Sorry to disappoint!

It's still there!  The damn thing won't heal and I think I've finally figured out why that is.  I am slowly becoming braver and I can now touch my skin / scar area without a buffer.  I still can't rub lotion on the scar without a makeup pad for protection, but I can at least touch it and see what's going on.  When I press gently on the red mark I can feel the expander clear as day.  There is a bump on it that is pressing right into my muscle / skin.  I think the "pointy" area from the expander is just irritating that one spot and it's not able to heal properly because it's not given a chance to do so.  It kind of makes sense to me.  Does it make sense to you?

So I will continue to do everything I am suppose to.  No running.  No walking.  No exercising whatsoever.  And now I understand why.  I just need to be super careful for 17 more days and then I'll get these horrible expanders replaced with the nice smooth and soft implants.  Then I will finally get my life back!

I went this morning to get blood work done for my second surgery.  Tomorrow I have a pre-op appointment with Dr. Spiro.  I am very interested about what he will say.  I know he is confident that my skin will heal properly once the implants are in.

Oh, and the comedy fundraiser went really well!  I had a lot of fun and there was a great turnout.  I sent an email to Caroline to ask her if she felt it was a success.  I will update you on that and my Dr. Spiro consultation in a later post.

- J.

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